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Noah, author and professor Alon Tal, and legendary tour guide William Slott discuss whether or not they made a huge, existential mistake in moving to Israel, as they decided to do together, when kids in a Zionist youth movement.

This is a segment from the “Zionist Dreams & Nightmares” Edition.

5 comments on “Our lives: A late-interim review

  1. Reena Bernards says:

    What??? You guys aren’t bothered by being an occupying power? This podcast on your review was very upsetting to me. Are you living in a bubble?

    1. Gary dailey says:

      Occupying power??? When are you considered a occupying power for land the UN awarded to you under the Balfour accord?? How are you a occupying power when you are attacked and the attacker loses the land they attacked you from and continue to attack you from?? You are not a logical thinker.

    2. jerry tanenbaum says:

      Reena — you have to be more careful with the phrase “occupying” power. So many use the term in so many different ways that it is misleading now to not define it.

      If you mean the settlements — yes, many Israelis are upset and opposed to the settlements.

      If you mean a military presence in the West Bank — many Israelis would love to live without them, but are not aware of reasonable alternatives.

      If you mean the embargo on Gaza — this is not “occupation” under any definition. Moreover, it saves thousands of Palestinian and Israeli lives. No one has yet to suggest a rational alternative that wouldn’t cause more death and destruction.

  2. Erica says:

    Are you kidding me??
    Nice that u don’t even “realize” the colonialism that brought you there, and all that comes with it.
    Amd the joke that Zionism became

  3. jerry tanenbaum says:

    Erica – “colonialism” had zero to do with the re-establishment of Israel. Israel is a result of Zionism –which is the liberation and empowerment movement of the Jewish people. Zionism is not “joke” — it is the choice of the Jewish people for the first time in several thousand years to take charge of their own destiny.

    Zionism should not be confused with the Settlement movement. Committed Zionists are also opposed to settlements.

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