Kol Cambridge Time Machine: 1990 – 2000


The Kol Cambridge time machine is here again, taking us on a journey looking at the best in Israeli music for each decade of Israel’s existence and understanding how it reflected society.

Welcome to the 1990s!



Ketem HaPri – Ethnix

Ma Asit – Tipex

Lo Yechola Biladecha – Dana International

Chalom Kachol – Rami Fortis

Livkot Lecha – Aviv Gefen

Shmor al HaOlam – David Daor

Chutz Mimech Klum – Rami Kleinstein

Halo Noda – Dani Sanderson

Chalaliyot – Berry Sacharof

Yareach – Shlomo Artzi

Kach Oti – HaYehudim

Al Kav HaZinuk – HaChaverim shel Natasha

Ani Maamin – Knesiat HaSechel

Lama Libech Kmo Kerach? – Gidi Gov

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