People of the visitor book: Commemorative practices in Jerusalem’s war museum


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Prof. Chaim Noy is a professor of communications at the University of South Florida and the author of a new book Thank You For Dying for Our Country: Commemorative Texts and Performances in Jerusalem. He talks to host Gilad Halpern about his meticulous study of the visitor book at Jerusalem’s most celebrated former battlefield, and the glimpse it offers into the make-up of Israeli society today.

Song: Sivan Talmor – Fire [infobox title=’Sponsor’]VLJILogoBlack

This season of the Tel Aviv Review is made possible by The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, which promotes humanistic, democratic, and liberal values in the social discourse in Israel.[/infobox]

1 comment on “People of the visitor book: Commemorative practices in Jerusalem’s war museum

  1. miklos halasz says:

    learned from this

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