The Middle East Through Russian-Israeli Eyes

Ksenia Svetlova’s story is gripping: she moved to Israel as a teen, grew up to become a journalist, and eventually served as a Member of Knesset. In her book: “Reporting the Middle East on High Heels,” Ksenia brings her story to her beat, giving readers an over-her-shoulder view of the Middle East from Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, to the Palestinians areas much closer to home.

This episode is part of a series made possible by the German Government which examines Israel’s relationship with the EU and European countries.

2 comments on “The Middle East Through Russian-Israeli Eyes

  1. Mark Chertow says:

    Your interview with Ksenia Svetlova was quite thought provoking and shone a hopeful light on the future of the people that make up the middle east. What I believe what I was hearing is that Ksenia through her Journalism is able to discover the cracks in dogma that allows the light to shine through. Great program!

  2. Steven says:

    Great interview!

    Ksenia could be the ideal scholar to explore and present the hidden interference into the Middle East by a large numbers of Russian actors.

    The name is active measures. активные мероприятия

    They target both sides with mutually hostile messages to generate a perfect storm.

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