The Promised Podcast

The “Desperately Seeking Sumpin’” Edition

We discuss: 1) New polls showing that, if elections were held today, Israel’s next PM would be Naftali Bennett 2) How and why war is making the most secular Israelis more secular, and less-secular-Israelis less secular

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The “Time Is on His Side?” Edition

We discuss: 1) Netanyahu’s big interview in Time Magazine, and what we learn from it about him and about us 2) The surprising rise of Netanyahu’s standing in polls, even though this has been a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year

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The “Serene & Calm” Edition

We discuss: 1) When and whether “targeted killing” (aka, assassination) is o.k. 2) Whether or not we are facing the threats from Iran and Lebanon with a sufficiently stiff upper lip

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The “Northern Fights” Edition

We discuss: 1) The awful, heartbreaking attack on Majdal Shams, and whether it will lead to all-out war 2) What the tragedy tells us about the identity and place of Druze folks here in Israel

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The “Making It About Us” Edition

We discuss: 1) Netanyahu’s speech to a joint session of the US Congress and what it was and was not 2) Who is Kamala Harris, and if she becomes president, what will it mean for, well, us?

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The “The Valley of the Shadow of Deif” Edition

We discuss: 1) the likely impacts of the likely assassination of Mohammad Deif, a man personally responsible for thousands of Israeli deaths 2) a new TikTok trend of videos of the everyday life of Gazans during the war, and what Israelis can learn from them

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The “Comfort Where You Find It” Edition

We discuss: 1) the IDF decision to allow, for the first time ever, military gravestones to add “God will avenge his blood” 2) a new line of “Heroes of Israel” action figures for kids to play with

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The “U.S. and Us” Edition

We discuss: 1) the 3 months Bill spent in the West Bank keeping local Palestinians from being harassed by local Israelis 2) how America and Americans have left their imprint on Israeli culture and politics

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The “New Day Dawning?” Edition

We discuss: 1) the bombshell unanimous Supreme Court decision that requires Haredi men of army age to enlist 2) a new report about how to end the war and coax Gazans to accept Israel

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The “Down and Out” Edition

We discuss: 1) the war with Hezbollah up north that seems each day to get hotter and more deadly 2) new polls showing despair and pessimism of a sort Israelis have never known

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