Your Soundtrack for Purim

Israelis dressed up in custumes, as is customary during the Jewish holiday of Purim, on Jaffa road in central Jerusalem. The Jewish holiday of Purim commemorates the Jews' salvation from genocide in ancient Persia, as recounted in the Book of Esther which is read in synagogues. Other customs include: sending food parcels and giving charity, dressing up in masks and costumes, eating a festive meal, and public celebration. March 13, 2017. Photo by Mendy Hechtman/Flash90 *** Local Caption *** ????? ???? ???? ???? ??? ?????? ???? ????? ??????? ??????

It’s nearly Purim, so join us as we get in the mood for the party of the year and celebrate the Jewish salvation from the might of the Persian Empire!

Al HaNisim – Gad Elbaz ft Naftali Kalfa & Ari Lesser
Purim Chagiga – Kinderlach ft Uzia Tzadok
Purim Song – The Maccabeats
Shushan Funk – Ronn Markson ft Jewno Mars
HaMesiba – Sarit Hadad
Mi Ze She’Ose T’Mesiba – Alon de Loco
Nisim – Ivri Lider
Tachbosot – Libido X
Haman, Haman, Hey Man – Pizmon
LaYehudim – Mordechai Ben David
Chag Purim
Shoshanat Yaakov
V’Mordechai Yatza
Yom Tov Lanu
Ani Purim
Ten Katef
Zakan Aroch Li
Leitzan Katan

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Photo by Mendy Hechtman/Flash90: Israelis dressed for Purim in Jerusalem.

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