Your Israeli Soundtrack for January 2024

Photo: Tomer Neuberg/Flash90

DJ Antithesis kicks off 2024 with new music influenced by the Israel-Gaza war and with a special studio guest.


Dag Life – Hadag Nachash

Narim TaMakom – Hadag Nachash

Susim Shekufim – Shay-Li Atari

Mini Kolech Mibechi – Idan Raichel

Zricha Shchora – Aviv Gefen & Maya Leimberg

Ad SheTachzor, Ad SheTashuvi – Lola Marsh

Im Telech – Adir Getz

V’Ech Shelo – Omer Adam

Helem Krav – Static

Ma Avarech 2023 – Afek Lamour

Stopper 10/7 – Daniel Grant & Roni Vaknin

BaSof HaKol Yihiye Beseder – Lior Narkis

HaShemesh Tachazor – HaTikva 6

Am Yisrael Chai – Maya Buskila & Mor Avrahami

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4 comments on “Your Israeli Soundtrack for January 2024

  1. Lynn W Raviv says:

    Are the lyrics of the playlist available in Hebrew along with English translation ?

    1. TLV1 says:

      Hi Lynn, if you’re referring to the podcast Streetwise Hebrew then this is a different TLV1 show called Kol Cambridge. Has nothing to do with learning Hebrew and translations.

  2. Leslie Rochman says:

    Is there a Spotify playlist by any chance?

    1. TLV1 says:

      Samuel posts playlists to Patrons at

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