This special holiday episode features true stories on the theme of “Good Deeds, Bad Deeds” as told by Anshel Pfeffer, Chavi Karkowsky, Carol Weitzman, Gwen Dreilinger, Yossi Halper, and Andrea Hope.
This episode features true stories on the theme of “Sweat” as told by Israeli basketball legend Tal Brody, Anna Levine, Ephraim Rinsky, Susan Warchaizer, Libby Weiss, and Mira Fox.
This episode features stories on the theme of “Talkin’ ’bout a Revolution!” as told by Judah Ari Gross, Margot Saffer, Don Futterman, Adam Nice, Varda Spiegel, Avinof Frumer, Marcia Freedman, and Naomi Henoch.