The “BDS? There’s an App for That Now!” Edition
We discuss the finding that Israel has two ‘one-percents,’ Tel Aviv’s avant garde ‘Cinematheque’, and a new government funding app aimed at undoing BDS.
Read MoreWe discuss the finding that Israel has two ‘one-percents,’ Tel Aviv’s avant garde ‘Cinematheque’, and a new government funding app aimed at undoing BDS.
Read MoreWe discuss the shocking rise from obscurity of Avi Gabbay to head the Labor Party, the surprising rise of “secular prayer” among Israeli Jews, and the inexplicable but kinda charming survival of the Maccabiah games.
Read MoreWe discuss the dawning of a new age for Israel’s Labor Party, how ex-Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has influenced our cynicism about politicians, and a utopian vision for Gaza’s humanitarian crisis.
Read MoreWe discuss the consequences of reducing electricity to Gaza, giving attention to victims of terrorist attacks at the expense of other things, and whether liberal Jews should care about the Western Wall.
Read MoreWe discuss the heartbreaking medical experiments that were performed on Yemeni Jewish children in the early 1950s, American Jewish activists who may be getting too big for their britches, and a proposal to install “experts” instead of politicians as key cabinet ministers.
Read MoreWe discuss Labor Party candidate Dina Dayan as the possible future of the Israeli Left, if a new “Code of Ethics” for universities is an attack on democracy, and whether Israel wrong to agree with adoption rules preventing Russian babies from going to LGBTQ folks.
Read MoreWe discuss whether climate change is a danger to Israel’s existence; the new “Breaking the Silence” anthology of essays about the occupation; and whether the fascination with Wonder Woman reflects some strange psycho-sexual fetishization.
Read MoreWe discuss the Six Day War’s 50th anniversary; a survey regarding effectiveness of Knesset members; and how much universities ought to accommodate ultra-Orthodox students.
Read MoreWe discuss President Donald Trump’s visit to Israel and the Palestinian Authority; the Zionist Union’s road trip in the occupied territories; and the “Jerusalem Dress” that Culture Minister Miri Regev wore on the Red Carpet in Cannes.
Read MoreWe discuss Former Prime Minister Ehud Barak’s book-review-cum-manifesto; icky and dangerous “conversion therapy” being offered by ultra-Orthodox therapists for gay men; and the cheesy, trashy, irresistible Eurovision song contest.
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