The Tel Aviv Review

Rebel with a Cause: The Story of a Legendary Jewish Spy

Sarah Aaronsohn was a young Jewish woman who during the First World War operated a pro-British spy ring under the nose of the Ottoman authorities in Palestine. Her tumultuous life, tragic death, and considerable contribution to the Allied war effort are revisited in a new book.

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Take Notice: The Power of the Unremarkable

How do our linguistic priorities characterize the way we perceive the world, and how do they reinforce cultural norms? Eviatar Zerubavel, professor of sociology at Rutgers University, explains.

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Are We Living in an Unprecedented Age of People Power?

Prof. Erica Chenoweth, a scholar of international relations, says that there has been a dramatic increase in the number of non-violent protests in the world. She knows because she counts them, rigorously; she also counts when they work and why.

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On Hell and Other People: The Enduring Relevance of Existentialism

Dr. Dror Yinon reviews a series of lectures on Existentialism that recently took place at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute. He lays out the fundamentals of this philosophical tradition and analyzes its ongoing relevance in the age of populism and post-truth.

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Living in Denial: A 21st-Century Story

Dr. Keith Kahn-Harris, a British sociologist and commentator, discusses his new book “Denial: The Unspeakable Truth.” It attempts to analyze the emergence and growing prevalence of denialism – a quasi-nihilist reflex that subsumed healthy skepticism and fact-based debate.

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A Road to Forgiveness: How Societies Cope with Collective Trauma

How do societies recover from major violence and terrible injustice? How do they cope with collective trauma, perpetrators, guilt, and is there a road to forgiveness? Professor Ruti Teitel discusses her scholarly work on transitional justice.

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On the Media: Public Broadcasting, Regulation and Press Freedom in Israel

Dr. Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler, head of the Media Reform Program and the Open Government Program at the Israel Democracy Institute, joins us to discuss media policy in Israel and the way government interference may infringe on the country’s relatively robust freedom of the press.

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My Kingdom for a Constitution

Yedidia Stern is worried about disturbing the balance of a Jewish and democratic state, as the nation-state law threatens to do. He believes that Israel must be a Jewish state, but without a legal anchor for equality, society is in trouble.

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Business and Human Rights: A Contradiction in Terms?

Can we reconcile between business development and safeguarding human rights? David Bilchitz, professor of law at the University of Johannesburg, proposes a legal framework to do just that in his new book, “Building a Treaty on Business and Human Rights”.

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Live from the 2018 AIS Conference: The ‘Berkeley School’ Approach to Hebrew Literature

On this plenary session at the 2018 annual conference of the Association for Israel Studies, Prof. Chana Kronfeld, Dr. Yael Segalovitz, and host Gilad Halpern discuss the attempts to “de-ghettoize” Hebrew literature and study it in a broader and richer context.

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