The Tel Aviv Review
A personal look into Israel’s Iron Lady
Professor Meron Medzini recounts personal anecdotes of Prime Minister Golda Meir from his days as her press secretary.
Read MoreOur Friend in the White House: Lincoln and the Jews
Professor Jonathan Sarna recounts the relationship of Abraham Lincoln, 16th president of the United States, with the then still small and relatively uninfluential American Jewish community.
Read MoreIsrael in Theory: “Israel fetish” in Western academia
Dr. Gabriel Noah Brahm is probably best known for co-editing the comprehensive “The Case Against Academic Boycotts of Israel.”
Read MoreHow the Nazis Imagined a World Without Jews
Prof. Alon Confino discusses the Nazi desire to remove the Jews not only from the present and the future, but also from the past.
Read MoreHitler and Atatürk: How Turkish Nationalism Inspired the Nazis
Dr. Stefan Ihrig explains how the rising Turkish nationalism in the wake of WWI served as valuable inspiration for the Nazis in the early Weimar years and beyond.
Read MoreThe origins of Jewish charity
Dr. Yael Wilfand recently had her book “Poverty, Charity and the Image of the Poor in Rabbinic Texts from the Land of Israel” published.
Read MoreWere we ever socialist? The rise and fall of Israeli corporatism
Jonathan Preminger has just completed his PhD in labor struggles and representation in post-corporatist Israel.
Read MoreMy life as an Israeli in an Indian reservation
Dr. Michal Segal Arnold wrote her PhD thesis about the American Indian Movement, a Native American pressure group.
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Palestine in ruins: Israel and the depopulated villages of 1948
Noga Kadman discusses her recent book, “Erased from Space and Consciousness: Israel and the Depopulated Palestinian Villages of 1948.”
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