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Dr. Sonja Wentling, a professor of history at Concordia College in the US, is the co-author of Herbert Hoover and the Jews: The Origins of the ‘Jewish Vote’ and Bipartisan Support for Israel. Her book analyzes the attitude of the 31st president towards European Jews and Zionism during his administration and, more importantly, in the decades after he left office.

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This season of the Tel Aviv Review is made possible by The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, which promotes humanistic, democratic, and liberal values in the social discourse in Israel.

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Tel Aviv Review is also supported by the Public Discourse Grant from the Israel Institute, which is dedicated to strengthening the field of Israel Studies in order to promote knowledge and enhance understanding of modern Israel.


1 comment on “The Lobbyist: Herbert Hoover and the Jews

  1. Alan Teller says:

    Wonderful interview! As one of the developers/designers of the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library in West Branch Iowa, I welcome this contribution to the public’s understanding and appreciation of a much maligned and misunderstood political figure. Thank you!

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