Islam, on the Verge of Reformation

Mustafa Akyol believes that it is high time for Islam to undergo liberalizing reforms and he knows just the person to do it: Mustafa Akyol.

In two books, Islam Without Extremes, and The Islamic Jesus, along with regular New York Times Opinion columns, Akyol articulates an emerging school of liberal Islamic thought and practice.

Akyol recently participated in the Global Forum of the National Library of Israel.



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This season of the Tel Aviv Review is made possible by The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, which promotes humanistic, democratic, and liberal values in the social discourse in Israel.

2 comments on “Islam, on the Verge of Reformation

  1. Brien says:

    Yep, y’all jest kip etin’ them thar smart pills….

    ”ah done sayd that thar is uh gawd/allahaha – so that thar’s ma pruf…”.

  2. Al Davidian says:

    Fascinating, thank you, great interview.

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