Before and After 1948: Gaza, a Prehistory

Photo: Hassan Jedi/Flash90

Dr. Dotan Halevy, environmental and social historian of the late Ottoman Empire and the Modern Middle East at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, discusses the history of Gaza from the mid-19th century until today. How did Gaza come to encapsulate 1948, and the essence of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

This episode is made possible by the Israel office of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, which promotes peace, freedom, and justice through political education.

1 comment on “Before and After 1948: Gaza, a Prehistory

  1. Paul A. Giles says:

    This was a very informative discussion about the history of Gaza. I just discovered this podcast series.., I will be listening in the future.

    Thank You,
    Paul Giles

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