“You say goodbye, and I say hello” – The Promised Podcast‏

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Allison, Don and Noah discuss three topics of incomparable importance, and end with an anecdote each about something in Israel that made them smile this week.


Were the Unit 8200 ‘refuseniks’ right to break ranks?

Unit 8200’s ‘refusenik’ letter exposed some Israeli intelligence practices some are finding very hard to swallow. Were the 43 soldiers right to publicly expose these practices? Why are important leaders of the moderate left so fiercely opposed to the letter?



“You say goodbye…”: Reasons to get the hell out of dodge 

TLV1’s very own Rogel Alpher caused a stir in his recent Haaretz piece, in which he announced his reasons for wanting to emigrate from Israel. How will this affect other leftists? In Rogel’s words, is Israel worth the price it’s exacting from us?


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“…And I say hello”: Reasons to make Aliyah

The government’s recent promotional video aimed at getting young Jews to come and study in Israel has received mixed reviews. Should the government be marketing Israel in a political vacuum, as a bitching lifestyle choice, in order to seek American immigrants?



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All songs by Shirly Kones, in honor of her show this week at Tel Aviv’s Levontin 7:

BeKarov BaCfar
Shniot Arukot


Photo: An El Al flight taking off at Ben Gurion International Airport, August 2013. Credit: Moshe Shai/FLASH90.

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