The “e pluribus screw ’em” edition – The Promised Podcast‏


Allison, Don, and Noah discuss three topics of incomparable importance, and end with an anecdote each about something in Israel that made them smile this week.


Livni Herzog#Israelex: Picking teams

We discuss the the Labor Party’s efforts to bring all the center-left parties, save one, under its wing. Can the Livni-Herzog rotation really work? How long can the center-left stay on the good side of the ultra-Orthodox?

Moshe FeiglinSpotlight on the leaders who impact our world: Moshe Feiglin

Moshe Feiglin, the man challenging Netanyahu for leadership of the Likud, wants to annex the territories but make marijuana freely available to us all – an odd amalgam of views. We ask: What makes Moshe Feiglin tick?

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Naftali BennettPrivatizing BDS

20 great American scholars, leftist Zionists all, want to sanction individual politicians (like Naftali Bennett) who sustain the occupation. We ask: Are ‘personal sanctions’ are a good idea? Do desperate times call for desperate measures?



All songs by the sultry Keren Ann:

Lay Your Head Down
Stephanie Says
For You & I

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