Photo: Tomer Neuberg/Flash90

Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman and Noah Efron discuss three topics of incomparable importance and end with an anecdote about something in Israel that made them smile this week.

Memorial Matters
There never was, and will never be, anyone like Yoram Taharlev, May his Memory Be for a Blessing.

In the Heights
Prime Minister Naftali Bennett exults that “This is the moment of the Golan Heights.” But should it be?

We’ve Only Just Begun
Yair Lapid and his Yesh Atid party celebrate ten years in politics, longer than any centrist party ever survived the rough-and-tumble of Israeli politics. What is the secret of their success?

All this and new versions of a few of Yoram Taharlev’s most beloved songs, off the just-finished project, Ya‘aleh ve-Yavo: A Tribute to the Songs of Yoram Taharlev.


  • Ein Ahava Aharona, set to music and performed by Kama Vardi
  • Ani Met, performed by Yoni Bloch, with music by Matti Caspi
  • She-ha-Shemesh Taavor ‘Alai, performed by Shalva, with music by Hanan Yuval

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5 comments on “The “Pure of Heart” Edition

  1. David says:

    It is always great, thank you Noah. Sometimes I see Alison as like driving a Mini-Cooper, in the wrong direction about to stick one up the system. Which is not to say that she makes me angry, though it does unnerve me enough to wake me out of an otherwise peaceful dream. As an old-school sort of founder I just don’t get it. Those white picket-fence conservatives in America want to make the rules; therefore we shall do exact opposite. I mean, have you got tired of revolution? I have. Even Stalin, or Jimi Hendrix (my preference) ultimately dies

    1. David says:

      {Uno más, David!} Ok, ok.

  2. David says:

    Also, about the Palestinian thing (forgive my ignorance), I was in Nazareth for a book-reading once, and there is an attitude of standing-up whare not all local peoples are necessarily your enemies. Then, there was the earthquakes

  3. David says:

    They are connecting halloween with christmas. Bigger things, bigger lights, etc.

  4. David says:

    Someone’s job is to uproot and destroy. But someone’s job is to uproot, destroy, and to plant again (Jeremiah).. So, their time is very limited. To usurp. Stupid devils

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