The “The Valley of the Shadow of Deif” Edition

Photo: Chaim Goldberg/Flash90

Allison Kaplan Sommer and Noah Efron discuss two topics of incomparable importance and end with an anecdote about something in Israel that made them smile this week.

The Valley of the Shadow of Deif
Can you do a cost-benefit analysis of assassinating a man personally responsible for thousands of Israeli deaths?

Unboxing Gaza?
What’s it like for Israelis to watch videos of Palestinian resilience?

“Dos” and “Don’t-So-Much-Dos”
For our most unreasonably generous Patreon supporters, in our extra-special, special extra discussion: Why did a short video about the “Dos” and “Don’t-So-Much-Dos” of workplace relations between secular and ultra-Orthodox colleagues tick off so many of us here in Israel?

Plus, the profound humanity of the people fighting to release the hostages, and music from Netta Barzilai’s first album, which is like a warm hug from an old friend.


  • Yamim shel Sheket
  • Natek Oti (with Kfir Tsafrir)
  • Sukar

Previous Episodes

1 comment on “The “The Valley of the Shadow of Deif” Edition

  1. Nici says:

    Hi Alison .. I am a long time listener and follow your work from Cambridge England . I am travelling to India and would love to know tour guide details .. would you be able to pass them on .. with thanks Nicole x

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