The Kol Cambridge Rosh Hashanah soundtrack


Happy new year! Kol Cambridge is here to get you in the festive mood with all sorts of Rosh Hashana-themed Israeli and Jewish music.

Wishing all our listeners a shana tova umtuka me’od!



B’Rosh Hashana – Ivri Lider

Kmo Melech – Moshe Peretz

Melech – Margol

Adam Tzover Zichronot – Avraham Tal

Ani Zocher – Izik Shamli

Zikaron Echad Mushlam – Mosh Ben-Ari

Shana Tova

B’Shana HaBa’a – Ilanit & Ilan

Kartis L’Uman Lo Ole Milion Dollar – HaZamir

Zochreinu L’Chaim – The Chevra

Melech Rachaman – Simply Tsfat

Rosh Hashana Medley


Photo: A Judaica salesman blows the Shofar in a grafitti-covered alley in central Jerusalem, September 14, 2014. Credit: Hadas Parush/Flash90.

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