Your Israeli Soundtrack for April 2024

Photo: Yossi Zamir/Flash90

DJ Antithesis is back with more music influenced by the Israel-Gaza war, and dives deep into Dudu Aharon’s latest album.


Tachzir Otam HaBayta – Guy & Yahel

Eich Ze – Livnat Hadar Toledano

Michtav MiYosi – Shlomi Shabat

Abba Bo – Nunu

Bein HaIr LaPardes – Tuna

At – Raskay 

Natek Oti – Neta Barzilay & Kfir Tzafrir

Gan Eden – Roni Douani

Achim – Ido Bi, Segev & Eran Yosef

Lifnei Acharei – Stephane Legar

Natty Body – Shachar Tavoch & Agam Buchbut

Haterim – Ofek Adanek ft Agumas

Eretz HaAvot – Dudu Aharon

Isha Zahav – Dudu Aharon ft Ronit Bar

Milionim – Dudu Aharon

HaMalka shel HaShechuna – Dudu Aharon

BaLeilot shel Yom Shishi – Dudu Aharon

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