Recent Episodes
Frayed Light
Yesterday, Yonatan Berg’s first poetry collection ,“Frayed Light,” appeared in English translation. The poems in this collection gather his experiences of having been born to a religious family and later giving up the religious lifestyle, living in a settlement and then moving to Jerusalem, and military service, into heartfelt narrative poems.
“My Essay on Stereotypes”
Israeli elections are just one day shy of a week away, and now might be a good opportunity to examine the use of stereotypes to shut down important conversations that we might have, as we elect the people who will represent us.
About the Host

Marcela Sulak
Marcela is an associate professor in the Department of English Literature and Linguistics at Bar-Ilan University. She teaches American Literature, poetics, and translation, and poetry workshops in the Shaindy Rudoff Graduate Program in Creative Writing. Her poetry includes Decency (2015), Immigrant (2010). She was nominated for the 2017 PEN Award for Poetry in Translation, and translates from Czech, French, Spanish, German, Hebrew, and Yiddish. She’s co-edited Family Resemblance. An Anthology and Exploration of 8 Hybrid Literary Genres, and her essays appear in The Los Angeles Review of Books, The Boston Review, The Iowa Review, Gulf Coast, and elsewhere.
Etgar Keret’s “Ladder”
Rosh Hashanah begins Sunday night—it is the beginning of the Jewish new year. To usher it in, we read an excerpt from Etgar Keret’s short story, “Ladder,” published in his brand-new English language collection, “Fly Already.”