Recent Episodes
The Poetry of Gali-Dana Singer
Gali-Dana Singer is a bilingual poet, translator, an artist and photographer, born in St. Petersburg, who immigrated to Israel in 1988. “I always emphasize that I haven't switched from Russian to Hebrew, rather that I am moving back and forth from Russian to Hebrew and Hebrew to Russian. I have tried to reconstruct how the transfer took place, a process which is still vivid in my memory.”
Postcard from Pressburg-Bratislava: Remembering Tuvia Ruebner
The literary world lost one of its bright lights with the passing of Tuvia Ruebner. He was 95 years old. Ruebner lived on Kibbutz Merhavia, where he had made a home since arriving from Nazi occupied Bratislava as a teenager in 1942. The poem “Postcard from Pressburg-Bratislava” is his goodbye to his home town and its devastation during the war.
About the Host

Marcela Sulak
Marcela is an associate professor in the Department of English Literature and Linguistics at Bar-Ilan University. She teaches American Literature, poetics, and translation, and poetry workshops in the Shaindy Rudoff Graduate Program in Creative Writing. Her poetry includes Decency (2015), Immigrant (2010). She was nominated for the 2017 PEN Award for Poetry in Translation, and translates from Czech, French, Spanish, German, Hebrew, and Yiddish. She’s co-edited Family Resemblance. An Anthology and Exploration of 8 Hybrid Literary Genres, and her essays appear in The Los Angeles Review of Books, The Boston Review, The Iowa Review, Gulf Coast, and elsewhere.
The Writings of Naji Daher
Naji Daher, a writer, poet, and playwright, was born in Nazareth and lives there. He has published more than fifty books, including six novels. Daher's works have been translated into Hebrew, English and other languages, and he is the winner of the 2000 Prime Minister Prize.