The ‘Better Times’ Edition – The Promised Podcast‏


With some of the cast in shelters, and most living the high-life in the capitals of Western debauchery, we present a collection of “vatacountry” segments, in which each of us describe something that surprised and amazed us, delighted and amused us, in our day-to-day lives in Israel.  As if to say, “Times were better once, and they’ll be better again soon.”


800_luguhf8umkhczxdvgsrrccp6l5u5ppmuDancing the Ethiopian shoulder shake on Sigd

Don discusses the Ethiopian holiday of Sigd; Eilon tells us about his very erudite taxi driver; and Noah reviews Shimon Peres’ biography of David Ben-Gurion.


unnamed (1)Songs of Innocence and Experience

Eilon talks about the sporty Strawberry family; Miriam reviews the film ‘Invisible’; and Noah introduces us to a very precocious couple of musicians.



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arabian_b289Family Album: Arabian Babblers and fake ski slopes

Emily talks about her experiences on the Israel Trail; Noah tells us about the time he tried to go skiing on Mt. Gilboa with his son.


rsz_the_great_isaiah_scroll_ms_a_1qisa_-_google_art_project-x4-y0A journey right back to our roots

Don takes us into total darkness; Eilon reminisces over Yaffa Yarkoni; Noah gets deep and meaningful over Vaclav Havel; and Don visits the Dead Sea Scrolls.



Danny Sanderson – Ha-Galshan

Gazoz – Likhvod Ha-Kayitz

Tomer Ve-Ha-Bsora (Tomer and the Gospel) – Ha-Pa’am

Machina – El Derekh La-Yam

Yaffa Yarkoni – Bab El Wad


Photo: Two Arabian Babbler birds.


The show is made possible by Shaharit




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