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Allison, Don, and Noah discuss three topics of incomparable importance, and end with an anecdote about something in Israel that made them smile this week.
Did peace slip through our fingers?
We discuss a socko television documentary showing how close Ehud Olmert and Mahmoud Abbas came to a peace agreement eight years ago, and yet how far, raising a raft of “what if?” questions.
We discuss the behind-the-scenes deals that allowed MKs to funnel monies to their favorite causes in exchange for their acquiescence to the proposed budget. Is it quite as unsavory as it seems?
We discuss an IDF poll showing that, increasingly, the guys with the guns are the guys with the kippot. Should we be worried that the army seems to be becoming a religious person’s institution?
All songs by Tamar Aphek:
Who Cares/Summer Comes
Where Were You When It Happened?