The “For the Sins We Have Sinned” Edition

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Noah Efron, Don Futterman, and Times of Israel Ops & Blogs Editor Miriam Herschlag discuss three topics of incomparable importance and end with an anecdote about something in Israel that made them smile this week.

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Poll: Netanyahu is the Best PM and also a Liar who Must Resign!
The first public opinion poll of the new year serves us up a mess of conflicting opinions, suggesting that the right has grown much weaker and at the same time is as strong as ever, that PM Netanyahu’s career is toast and also that it is as inevitable as a Shabbat challah, and more.

Foucault, Derrida, Shagar, the Settler Nakba, and the Future of Zionism
Have young settlers rejected the nationalism of their parents, embracing instead a neo-Hasidic post-Zionism that changes their political views and aspirations?

For the Sins We Have Sinned
Which of our collective sins should most occupy us on this Yom Kippur?

Music: Shuli Rand, because, you know, Yom Kippur (All off the amazing album, Nekudah Tovah):
Ma Hatachlit

1 comment on “The “For the Sins We Have Sinned” Edition

  1. Howard Wolf says:

    What appalling BS! There is no partner for peace available. What the Israel haters want is Israel’s total capitulation. If you can’t grasp that whatever education you have has been wasted on you.

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