The “Benjamin Netanyahu’s New World Order” Edition

Photo: Miriam Alster/FLASH90

Times of Israel Ops & Blogs Editor Miriam Herschlag, Noah Efron, and Don Futterman discuss three topics of incomparable importance and end with an anecdote about something in Israel that made them smile this week.

Benjamin Netanyahu’s New World Order
According to reports, PM Netanyahu used the threat of Iran’s nuclearization to build, strengthen and solidify relations with the Emirates and Saudi Arabia, sometimes behind the back of the American. Should we be high-fiving him, or tsk-tsking?

Mothballing The Hope
Tel Aviv University doesn’t play Israel’s national anthem at graduation, out of respect for the feelings of Muslims and Christians. Is this self-abnegation, as some argue, or a brave step towards a more inclusive Israeli future?

Notes on Camp (with Apologies to Susan Sontag)
Should Jewish summer camps teach campers “the Palestinian narrative”?

Miriam Toukan

  • We Are Young (with SAZ)
  • A Traveler’s Prayer (Quartetoukan)
  • I loved you, Haifa (Quartetoukan)
  • Wolf with Lamb  (with Idan Toledano)

Previous Episodes


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4 comments on “The “Benjamin Netanyahu’s New World Order” Edition

  1. Manuel Gold says:

    Protocol be damned. Along with Trump. There is no danger to relation with US. Under Obama it was Israel be damned. The Cairo speech. Demanding that the outlawed terrorist Muslim Brotherhood be allowed to be present at the Cairo speech., giving them credibility. Supporting the Morsi Muslim Brotherhood government even after Al Sisi took over. Obama’s insistance on giving terrorist Iran Nuclear power in ten years. All show the down period. I wish that the US would be supportive of Israel whether or not Trump is president.
    The Palestinians are reading themselves out of the equation. The Sunni states have given up on the Palestinian because of their failure to make peace. The Palestinians believe that they can play victim forever. It works for now.
    Hatikvah, by Natalie Hertz Imber, is the National anthem. Gordis is right. Israel is a jewish state which respects every minority. It’s not the US. Nothing to do with Trump.
    As an old avid Ramahnik, the If Not Now ignorant simplistic picture of the occupation is harmful beyond measure. I favor two states but it is with out doubt that 70 years of rejectionist hostile failure to make peace repeatedly, instead of suicide bombings, wars, intifadas, car rammings, UN votes, flaming kites, Palestinians should want peace as much as Sadat. There’s nothing with teaching honest commitment. You are wrong. I’m on the Left, and INN is not the vehicle for presenting both sides. Claiming that is simplistic.

    1. Manuel Gold says:

      Sorry, spell check change imber’s name. It was Naftali Hertz Imber.

      1. Manuel Gold says:

        Thank you for a wonderful thought provoking podcast.

  2. (((David Lloyd-Jones))) says:

    “Obama’s insistance on giving terrorist Iran Nuclear power in ten years” is a rather extreme Conwayism, don’t you think, Manual?

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