The “Left=Bereft?” Edition

Israeli Left wing activists in a rally in Rabin Square. Photo: Gili Yaari/Flash90

Gilad Halpern, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Noah Efron discuss three topics of incomparable importance and end with an anecdote about something in Israel that made them smile this week.

Avi Gabbay’s Excellent Imposture (With Apologies to Stephen Herek)

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Labor Party Head Avi Gabbay pays shadowy consultants to post faux-Facebook pages trashing centrist rival Yair Lapid. Is Gabbay just a politician who is in it to win it, or is he yet another politician who has lost his soul?

Right=Bright, Left=Bereft?
A new poll finds that Israeli right-wingers, who tend to be poorer than the national average, are optimistic about the country’s economic future, while Israeli left-wingers, who tend to be richer than the national average, are pessimistic about the country’s economic future: Was PM Netanyahu right when he said that leftists like us are just sour-pussed nattering nabobs of negativism?

More Notes on Camp (with Continued Apologies to Susan Sontag)
What happened to good old summer camps when kids slept on rocks under stars and sang around campfires? Why have they yielded to space camp, video game camp and veterinary medicine camp?

Tabarnak, in honor of their debut album, Maurice Academi.

  • Ha-Shir Ha-khi Tov Hu Ba-Olam
  • Ya Sefel
  • Acordover
  • Le-hitraot ya Henunim

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