The “Another Year” Edition

Photo: Hadas Parush/Flash90

Don Futterman, Noah Efron, and roving freelance journalist Naomi Zeveloff discuss three topics of incomparable importance and end with an anecdote about something in Israel that made them smile this week.

Send These, the Homeless, Tempest-Tost, the Bill!
Trump says to the UN that America won’t pay anymore for food, medicine, schools or homes for Palestinian refugees. PM Netanyahu says, yahoo, but most every other Israeli responds with quiet anxiety.

Home is Where the Homework Is
The number of homeschooled Israeli kids increases 1,150% in ten years. What the hell is going on?

As a new year begins, we ask, What were the most important people and events of the tired, waning year limping to a close?

Extra Segment: What Can American Rabbis Say About Israel This Rosh Hashanah
For our primo Patreon supporters, in our extra-special, special extra segment, we discuss an intriguing essay in Haaretz called, “What on Earth Can American Rabbis Say about Israel this Rosh Hashana?”, by the singular Rav. Eric Yoffie , onetime President of the Union for Reform Judaism in America. With him we wonder, well, what on earth can a rabbi tell his flock about this stiff-necked people in this beautiful and troubled land?

Galatz Songs of the year, 5774-5777 (As we impatiently await the song of the year for 5778!)

  • 5774: Shlomi Shaban and Chava Alberstein – Targil be-Hit’orrerut
  • 5775: Nadav Guedj – Golden Boy
  • 5776: Hanan Ben Ari – Tutim
  • 5777: Nechi Nech – Kol ha-Zman ha-Zeh

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