The “No One Expects the Pax Trumpiana!” Edition

Photo: Liri Agami/Flash90

Allison Kaplan Sommer and Noah Efron discuss two topics of incomparable importance and end with an anecdote about something in Israel that made them smile this week.

Nobody Expects the Pax Trumpiana!
What’s behind US President Donald Trump’s plan to move Gazans to Jordan and Egypt and turn Gaza into a place where maybe they’ll film the next season of White Lotus?

Suitable for Framing?
Why do Hamas men in black balaclavas and semi-automatic rifles give gift bags and souvenir swag to hostages they let go?

Peter Beinart Questions Israel’s Right to Exist
For our most unreasonably generous Patreon supporters, in our extra-special, special extra discussion: When Peter Beinart writes in the times that “States Don’t Have a Right to Exist. People Do,” he ain’t talking about Mississippi!

All that and an appreciation for Yisroel Rutnitsky, may his memory be for a blessing, and tales of returning hostages. Plus, a sad and soulful new album by Ravid Plotkik.


  • Et Halivanah (with Michal Lotan)
  • Boker Tov, Hayyim Sheli
  • Be-Hasheicha

Previous Episodes

7 comments on “The “No One Expects the Pax Trumpiana!” Edition

  1. Paul A. Giles says:

    I just listened to your latest podcast and, as an American, I want to apologize for President Trump’s behavior with regard to his stated plans for Gaza. This plan has all the seriousness of his ‘we will build the wall and Mexico will pay for it’, except I worry that this flub might endanger the hostages yet to be released, not to mention any hopes for any kind of peace in the region.

    You wonder why Americans re-elected Trump – that explanation requires more than a six-pack conversation (and I don’t drink anymore), but a short version includes the following (my opinion, of course): Trump appeals to people who like 24-hour entertainment, especially reality shows, professional wrestling, and podcasts that depict white men as victims and liberals as evil. I didn’t ever vote for Trump, never even voted for any Republican, but I was born and brought up in the rural south of this country, still live here, and at 74 years of age I consider myself an expert on this subject.

    Trump and his media folks have convinced his voters that only he speaks the truth and that people like me aren’t to be trusted. His people believe him (there’s no accounting for taste) and there’s really no convincing them otherwise. Couple this crowd with Wall Street, who will go whichever way their short-term interests are perceived, and you get Trump in a close election. On the liberal side, I have recently learned that Qatar is the largest foreign contributor to our colleges and universities, thus the Middle Eastern Studies programs. Our college students shout ‘from the river to the sea’ but don’t even know the geography, so these students have been brainwashed as well.

    As I write this Trump and Musk are engaged in dismantling our federal government – I don’t know what kind of success they will have, but they are trying. The military has an good acronym for this condition: FUBAR.

    I sure hope that things turn out well, for all of us. I enjoy listening to your podcast and I do wish you all the best, Trump by damned..,

    Paul Giles, Taylors, SC USA

    1. Susan Jeffers says:

      can you point me to info about Qatar & its contributions to US higher ed? thx!

      1. Paul A. Giles says:

        One source is The Network Contagion Research Institute. Also, The Financial Times did some reporting in March, 2024 about the Republican Congress investigating this issue. And I’ve heard Sam Harris rail against this some, just his opinion.
        It’s my understanding that these contributions aren’t unlawful, but I find the subject interesting in light of what seems to be a surge in antisemitism on colleges campuses. Coincidence?


        1. Susan Jeffers says:

          thanks – I have so little direct contact with colleges & universities these days… maybe sometime I’ll get back to living in a college town….

          1. Paul A. Giles says:

            Susan, Best wishes and good luck.

  2. Susan Jeffers says:

    Not to put to find a point on it, but a lot of Americans who are paying attention wonder why y’all keep electing Netanyahu, too.

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