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Our friend in the White House: Lincoln and the Jews

Jonathan Sarna, professor of American Jewish history at Brandeis University, author of numerous books including, very recently, Lincoln and the Jews: A history, which he co-edited with Benjamin Shapell. The book, which was published by St Martin’s Press, recounts the relationship of the 16th president of the United States with a then still small and relatively uninfluential ethnic group, based on hundreds of archival items, some of them newly unveiled.


A personal look into Israel’s Iron Lady

Professor Meron Medzini, a Japanologist at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem but also, perhaps surprisingly, a biographer of Golda Meir, the prime minister of Israel between 1969-1974 – our very own Iron Lady. Professor Medzini’s mother was a childhood friend of Meir, and Medzini served as her press secretary. His book is the work of a political scientist but is riddled with personal anecdotes that shed light into the virtually most prominent woman in the history of Zionism.


Ninet & Red Band – Crazy
Less Acrobats – Directions
Yehudit Ravitz – Lakchata Et Yadi Beyadcha
Habiluim – Sheger Peger
Yizahr Ashdot – Ma Tomri

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