The Baha’i: Yet another world religion based in the Holy Land


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Dr. D Gershon Lewental, an Israel Studies professor at the University of Oklahoma, gives host Gilad Halpern an overview of the Baha’i religion – an offshoot of Shi’a Islam that set up shop in the Holy Land (albeit not in Jerusalem, thankfully). They discuss its relationship with the local ethnic groups under the different regimes.

Song: Ethnix – Tutim [infobox title=’Sponsor’]VLJILogoBlack

This season of the Tel Aviv Review is made possible by The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, which promotes humanistic, democratic, and liberal values in the social discourse in Israel.[/infobox]

6 comments on “The Baha’i: Yet another world religion based in the Holy Land

  1. Wonderful interview and report on the Bahá’í Faith. Thank you.

  2. Rachel says:

    I was born into the bahai faith. Im very fortunate to have this faith.

  3. kadams says:

    The Bahai Faith is “not” an offshoot of Shia Islam …it is an independent religion the came out of (evolved ) out of Islam the same way Christianity did with Judeaism…otherwise good news article

    1. Aaron Siering says:

      Obviously, this is true. But I think the more substantive point here is the extent that you can say it’s an offshoot of Shiism, you can also say it’s an offshoot of Judaism. I mean, let him hang by his own logic. If it’s the fulfillment of Shiism, then it’s also the fulfillment of Judaism. And therein lies its magic, because what other religion could be a bridge between them?

  4. Al says:

    The Baha’i Faith is not just about the fulfillment of shia sect of Islam. If you wanted to know you can investigate. Also in the interview, Baha’u’llah specifically goes to the Mount Carmel.

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