Hebrew: The Revival of a Not-So-Dead Language

Paintings with Hebrew writing at a cafe. Credit: Miriam Alster/FLASH90

Lewis Glinert, a professor of Hebrew Studies at Dartmouth College, discusses his new book, “The Story of Hebrew,” a detailed biography of 3,500 years of life, presumed death, and resurrection.

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This season of the Tel Aviv Review is made possible by The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, which promotes humanistic, democratic, and liberal values in the social discourse in Israel.


Tel Aviv Review is also supported by the Public Discourse Grant from the Israel Institute, which is dedicated to strengthening the field of Israel Studies in order to promote knowledge and enhance understanding of modern Israel.

1 comment on “Hebrew: The Revival of a Not-So-Dead Language

  1. I am by no means a Hebrew Scholar, however as a non-Jewish person who has studied and worked with the various texts of the Hebrew Torah I love the study of the language and the true ‘hidden’ language – which is found by a simple mathematical exercise – and I have to say I don’t see the Kabbalists as being people proselytizing for Christianity if anything it is based on preserving an ancient science revealed by that simplistic mathematical exercise. No I may not be a Hebrew Scholar but I do have something that I believe needs to be seen by scholars and others – the Hebrew Torah is an amazing document and an important document in that it contains information the Jewish People have not experienced in 3000 years due to a deception on the part of someone (or more! most likely) that altered a set of stories in Bereshith and then altered the priestly instruction manual – Sifra di-Tzni-uta. And that is just fact. But it is something more than just fact – it is the answer to a lot of riddles that humanity has as a whole been struggling with for a long time. And – it shows forth all the scars in the text of alterations and changed spellings and even traded words. Yet – all I get is – ‘And this means what to me?’ And yet so much of what the good Dr. was talking to is tied up directly with the Torah. It is what kept Hebrew alive!.. If I were a Jew, I would sell my house to buy this information – and it is offered – for free.

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