Israel/Palestine: A Gaze From Below

Photo: Miriam Alster/Flash90

Dr Dafna Hirsch, senior lecturer at the Open University of Israel’s Department of Sociology, Political Science and Communication, discusses her edited book, Entangled Histories in Palestine/Israel: Historical and Anthropological Perspectives.

1 comment on “Israel/Palestine: A Gaze From Below

  1. Helen Katz says:

    Sadly, though speaking in English, I found it challenging to understand Dr. Hirsch and even unpleasant to the ear to hear her struggles in articulating her premise. Were it not for the interviewer, who is really good, I would have left the recording after a few minutes.,
    I can’t comment on the content because it was so difficult to follow. Please receive this feedback in the spirit it is given, as constructive criticism. Dr. Hirsch needs to work on her presentation skills in English.

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