Noah, author and professor Alon Tal, and legendary tour guide William Slott discuss Tal’s important, new book The Land is Full, claiming that we need fewer Israelis, not more, and that government policy ought to be changed to stem Aliyah and lower our birthrate.
This is a segment from the “Zionist Dreams & Nightmares” Edition.
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To many Israelis ? Expand your borders you big dummies. Don’t you know God is on your side. Genesis 12″3…And I will bless them that bless you, and curse them that curse you: and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed. What part of that do you not understand. God bless Israel and God bless the Jewish people!!!
Dear Folks,
To where do these people go? Where do the people that are becoming the Earth’s pariah anywhere – go? We are seeing an overage of humans and a lot less resources available to us from nature. We can blame governments, policies, laws, cultures – but ultimately it is US that is too blame WE are the problem. And it is time we faced this stark fact – we need to control our populations across the board – if not nature will do it for us!
thanks for letting me rant.
respectfully submitted,
Manuel Colunga-Hernandez
rural Deer River MN USA
there are too much arabs thats it, all over the world the replacment birth is below avrege axecpt for arab countries. its not we that are the problem!!!
There is no single GOD, there are many GODs and religion is pure BS. So many cultures study and waste their time on doctrines how to go to heaven. That is BS, you die, you are born again simple as that. Mankind has lost direction with Greed of every kind, such as money, land, power, etc. WE ARE ALL HUMANS, we decended from monkeys and GOD (Aliens) genetically modified us so that we are more like them. Stop Wars and fight in getting a better world, fight hunger and diseases. The world is becoming a wasteland and dump. Its time for Shiva to destroy and re create this planet before us destroy it. Just my 2 cents.