Expand your dimensions: Jonathan Seroussi on 3D printing


‘Drivers’ is an interview series with prominent Israeli business figures.

The host, Erin Kopelow, is co-founder and director of business development for Tel Aviv University’s Sofaer International MBA and a recent graduate of the Kellog-Recanati Executive MBA. Originally from Canada, Erin moved to Israel nine years ago and currently lives in Tel Aviv.

When Jonathan Seroussi’s design software company PlanPlatform was acquired by Autodesk in 2009, he was determined not to become yet another Israeli R&D center of a foreign multinational company.

Today, as General Manager of Autodesk Israel, Jonathan has acquired no less than four start-ups and launched four new design products.

He is also pioneering a revolutionary, open-source platform for developing 3D printing hardware and software. The Autodesk Spark Investment Fund is part of this drive to accelerate the 3D printing ecosystem.

Host Erin Kopelow took a tour of the Autodesk open-source lab in Tel Aviv.

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