Tel Aviv Review

Intractable Conflicts: Between Temptation and Resistance

Prof. Daniel Bar-Tal discusses his new book, “Sinking into the Honey Trap: The Case of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.” How can social psychology contribute to our understanding of a conflict that never ends?

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Meet Jerusalem’s Top Catholic Monk

Abbot Nikodemus Schnabel, the head of Jerusalem’s Dormition Abbey, in conversation about Christian life in Israel, the nature of interfaith dialogue, the role of religion in diplomacy and conflict resolution, and more

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Detente? Christian-Jewish Relations in the Postwar Era

Dr Karma Ben-Johanan discusses her new book “Jacob’s Younger Brother: Christian-Jewish relations after Vatican II” and explains what were the implications of the Vatican’s new approach to Judaism, announced in the 1960s, across the Catholic world and among Jewish theologians

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What Do Israeli Haredim Really Care About?

Dr Nechumi Yaffe discusses her research on ultra-Orthodox “capabilities” – a tool used by social scientists to measure the well-being and opportunities afforded to people – as well as the relationship between a Haredi lifestyle and higher education

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The Forces of Nature

Irus Braverman discusses her book “Settling Nature: The Conservation Regime in Palestine/Israel” and explains how Israel’s management of nature fits into its broader settler logic

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Revolution and National Liberation

Tamir Sorek, professor of history at Penn State University, discusses his book “The Optimist: A social biography of Tawfiq Zayyad,” the story of one of the foremost Palestinian politicians and intellectuals in Israel of the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s

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Withdrawal: The Continuation of Occupation by Other Means?

Dr Rob Geist Pinfold discusses his book “Understanding Territorial Withdrawals: Israeli Occupations and Exits,” which offers a cross-section examination of several cases of territorial expansion and realignment throughout Israel’s history

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Man of the Night

Joseph Berger discusses his book “Elie Wiesel: Confronting the Silence,” the first English-language biography of the iconic Jewish intellectual and Holocaust author

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This Is Israel

Isabel Kershner, Israel reporter for the New York Times, discusses her new book “The Land of Hope and Fear: Israel’s Battle for its Inner Soul”

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Arabs, Israelis or Palestinians?

Dr. Arik Rudnitzky, the head of the Konrad Adenauer Program for Jewish-Arab Cooperation at Tel Aviv University, unveils data of a new comprehensive survey on Israel’s Arab community

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