Rogel Alpher with left-wing icon Uri Avnery – Journeys



In almost every respect, 90-year-old Uri Avnery is trailblazer. A pioneer of the Israeli peace camp and the man who single-handedly started irreverent tabloid journalism in Israel, Avnery was born in Germany, and immigrated with his family to Palestine in 1933, a few months after Hitler’s ascent to power. In his youth, he was active in the right-wing paramilitary IZL (Irgun), but soon left in protest of its anti-Arab attitude and terrorist methods.
Famous for crossing the lines during the Siege of Beirut in 1982, he is considered the first Israeli ever to meet with then-PLO chairman Yasser Arafat. Join us in this unusual episode of Journeys, in which Avnery shares – amongst other episodes from his eventful life – his opinions about Zionism, the peace process and the state of the Israeli media.



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