Recent Episodes
Israeli Love Poetry in Translation
In this week’s episode, we will consider Israeli Love poetry through the lens of Barbara Goldberg’s new book, “Transformation: The Poetry of Translation,” which has just come out this year, after winning the Valentin Krustev Award for Translation.
Rana Werbin Introduces Us to the Genre “Auto-Reality”
An introduction to the genre called “Auto-Reality,” a term coined by Israeli writer and editor Rana Werbin to describe her first book, “Life Is Good.”
About the Host

Marcela Sulak
Marcela is an associate professor in the Department of English Literature and Linguistics at Bar-Ilan University. She teaches American Literature, poetics, and translation, and poetry workshops in the Shaindy Rudoff Graduate Program in Creative Writing. Her poetry includes Decency (2015), Immigrant (2010). She was nominated for the 2017 PEN Award for Poetry in Translation, and translates from Czech, French, Spanish, German, Hebrew, and Yiddish. She’s co-edited Family Resemblance. An Anthology and Exploration of 8 Hybrid Literary Genres, and her essays appear in The Los Angeles Review of Books, The Boston Review, The Iowa Review, Gulf Coast, and elsewhere.
Shani Boianjiu’s “The People of Forever Are Not Afraid”
This week we feature a novel told in a series of vignettes, narrated by three young Israeli women following their high school years in a small northern village and through their enlistment in the Israeli Defence Force where they train marksmen, guard a border and man a checkpoint.