Recent Episodes
Revolution and National Liberation
Tamir Sorek, professor of history at Penn State University, discusses his book “The Optimist: A social biography of Tawfiq Zayyad,” the story of one of the foremost Palestinian politicians and intellectuals in Israel of the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s
Withdrawal: The Continuation of Occupation by Other Means?
Dr Rob Geist Pinfold discusses his book “Understanding Territorial Withdrawals: Israeli Occupations and Exits,” which offers a cross-section examination of several cases of territorial expansion and realignment throughout Israel's history
Special Podcast Series
About the Hosts

Gilad Halpern
Gilad is a journalist, broadcaster and media historian. He is also a founding co-editor of the Tel Aviv Review of Books magazine, an English-language online quarterly, and an Idit Fellow at the University of Haifa, researching the history of the Jewish press in Mandatory Palestine. Previously he was Managing Editor for Ynetnews and Assignments Editor for Haaretz English Edition. His work appeared on the BBC, Al Jazeera, Al Monitor, Time Out magazine, the Jewish Quarterly and the Jewish Chronicle.

Dr. Yael Berda
Dr. Yael Berda is Associate Professor of Sociology and Anthropology at Hebrew University, and a fellow at Middle East initiative at Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. She received her PhD from Princeton University; her MA from Tel Aviv University, and her LLB from Hebrew University faculty of Law. Previously a practicing Human Rights lawyer, representing clients in Military, District and Supreme courts in Israel, her most recent books are Living Emergency: Israel's Permit Regime in the West Bank and Colonial Bureaucracy and Contemporary Citizenship: Legacies of Race and Emergencies in the Former British Empire.
The Forces of Nature
Irus Braverman discusses her book “Settling Nature: The Conservation Regime in Palestine/Israel” and explains how Israel's management of nature fits into its broader settler logic