The ‘Jewesses with Guns’ Edition – The Promised Podcast‏


Allison, Noah and, Times of Israel Ops & Blogs Editor, Miriam Herschlag, discuss three topics of incomparable importance, and end with an anecdote each about something in Israel that made them smile this week.


Are we terrorized yet?

News analysts and professors are holding forth about whether or not the third intifada has started, and the question of whether or not the killing we’re seeing now will pass soon. So the question remains, how do the recent stabbings and rammings impact folks like us?


Can the Bible reduce poverty?

MK Ruth Calderon is working to implement the biblical injunction to forgive debts. She says, “It is an idea that will change the lives of thousands of kids who live beneath the poverty line. An idea that contains within it traditions that pertained in the days of the Talmud.”


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Why do guys get an icky charge from Jewesses with guns?

There is something majorly messed up about how men think about Jewish women and, especially, Jewish women with guns. This is proved all too true today with a Girls-of-the IDF pinup calendar, and the icky charge guys get from Jewesses with Guns.




All songs by Mika Karni, in honor of her forthcoming album (and the single she just released)

Nashakti Bahurah

Kol Dodi

Mi Zot



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