The “Generals and Genocides” Edition

Photo: Miriam Alster/Flash90

Allison Kaplan Sommer, Miriam Herschlag and Noah Efron discuss two topics of incomparable importance and end with an anecdote about something in Israel that made them smile this week.

General Malaise
Former IDF Chief of Staff and member of Israel’s “War Cabinet” says the government is not telling us the truth or making the right decisions when it comes to the war. What now?

In the Shadow of the Shoah
Seventy-nine years after the Nazis surrendered, there’s more talk of the Holocaust than ever. How come?

Sending Your Kid off to the Army When the Country’s At War
For our most unreasonably generous Patreon supporters, in our extra-special, special extra discussion: What is it like to drop your kid off at an army induction camp?

All that and new, soulful music of our time.


  • Melaketet Kochavim – Yonina 
  • Heneni Be-Yadkha – Yifat Lerner
  • Lekha Dodi – Roni Goldberg & Nimrod Lev

Previous Episodes

7 comments on “The “Generals and Genocides” Edition

  1. Tom says:

    I couldn’t find the Lekha Dodi recording by Roni Goldberg & Nimrod Lev on any of my music apps. Is it available elsewhere? Thanks!

    1. Jon Riskind says:

      I cannot find it either! Please share a link! Jon Riskind

      1. Mark Chertow says:

        I’m sorry to say, promise podcast team you have this narrative as it relates to Gaza and Hamas partially wrong. You may or may not assume that Hamas can be defeated by killing each and every one of them because of their ideaolgy. Which incidentally calls for the elimination of Israel and the death or the servitude of the Jewish people to Islam. What is missing is the affirmation of a Jewish state and a no to servitude and death. When both sides of this gap seek a positive resolution, hopefully peace.

      2. Abigail Anthony says:

        I’d love a link too! Thank you! It was so beautiful.

    2. Jon Riskind says:

      I cannot find it either! Please share a link! Jon R.

  2. Ilaan B says:

    I love the show, long time listener, and I too am looking for a link to that song, it was beautiful. Keep up the great work.

  3. Aaron says:

    Please send me the Lekha Dodi song by Roni Goldberg & Nimrod Lev. It’s so beautiful. I would love to have it!

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