Photo: Avshalom Sassoni/Flash90

At Passover Seders all around the world, a place setting was laid before a chair left empty for one of the 133 hostages held in Gaza. We look back at the 200 days of anguish, hope, and despair that divide Simchat Torah on October 7 from this week’s holiday.


  • Idan Reichel — Mi Ha-Ish, 
  • Yishai Rivo — Lashuv ha-Bayta 
  • Yuval Dayan — Ad she-Tahazor   
  • Avishai Cohen — Shuvi Elai 
  • David Broza — Yeheyeh Tov 
  • Guy Mazig — Oof Gozal
  • Shlomi Shabbat — Biglal ha-Ruach 

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