The “Ash & Dust” Edition

Photo: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90

To mark Yom Ha-Shoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, Noah describes the decades-long path Israelis followed to come to terms with the Holocaust, culminating in a record in 1988, fully 43 years after the camps were freed.

(Out of concern for the environment, this episode is reused and recycled, though not reduced.)


  • Halikha le-Keysaria, Tzila Dagan
  • Partisan’s Song, Paul Robeson
  • Shir ha-Partizanim, Shimon Yisraeli
  • Hofshi zeh legamrei levad, Benzin
  • Yom Shishi, Benzin
  • Einayim Sheli, Yehudah Poliker
  • Wait for Me, Saloniki, Jacko and Serena Poliker
  • Wait for Me, Saloniki, Yehudah Poliker
  • Flowers in the Wind, Yehudah Poliker
  • The Little Station Treblinka, Yehudah Poliker
  • Efer ve-Avak, Yehuda Poliker
  • Romania, Shlomo Artzi

Previous Episodes

6 comments on “The “Ash & Dust” Edition

  1. Asher-Chaim says:

    brilliant, heartbreaking, introspective…

    1. Noah J Efron says:

      Thank you, Asher-Chaim, for taking the time to write an encouraging word. It’s a rare thing, and I appreciate it.

  2. Jordan S Harburger says:

    Thank you for this history lesson. I knew some of the issues but gained such a bigger understating through your telling and the vehicle of music is one which you alone could tell. A treasure.

    1. Noah Efron says:

      What a lovely thing for you to write, Jordan. I am grateful. You’re right that I think that, sometimes, paying attention to the songs that move us can teach us about things that go way beyond music itself. I am glad that I am not the ONLY one who thinks that.

  3. Laura says:

    Anyone know whether Because of that War film can be seen in the US? I’d be very grateful for any leads. I’ve already written about how much my discovery of this podcast has meant to me. Thank you for doing it. It’s deepening me as a person and as a Jew. Making me confront difficult identity questions I have back-burnered for too long. But “making me” in a kind, fascinating, compelling, beautiful way.

  4. Sue Oren says:

    Eeek, your closing remarks are cut off at 1:24, Noah.

    d’sh cham from Brooklyn

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