The Tel Aviv Review

Covering the Conflict from Washington

In this special panel discussion recorded in Wash., DC, Gilad Halpern and Ori Nir speak to Amir Tibon and Said Arikat about covering consecutive US administrations, journalism in the age of social media, and the role of diaspora groups in setting the dynamic of the Israeli-Palestinian-American love-hate triangle over the years.

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The Hackers Are Coming, the Hackers Are Coming

Iran apparently hacked the cellphone of Benny Gantz, Netanyahu’s main challenger in the upcoming elections. Eli Bahar, former legal adviser to Shin Bet, and Ron Shamir, the former head of the tech division at Shin Bet, discuss the danger posed by potential cyber attacks on Israeli democracy.

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The Story of Science

Prof. Oren Harman, Chair of the Graduate Program in Science, Technology & Society at Bar-Ilan University, discusses his book “Evolutions: Fifteen Myths that Explain Our World” and “Talking about Science in the 21st Century,” a lecture series he directs at the VLJI.

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Will 2019 Be the Moment of Truth for Israeli Democracy?

Will Israel’s democratic institutions prove resilient? How is the party system changing and is Israel headed for a tyranny of the majority? Yohanan Plesner, President of the Israel Democracy Institute, examines the ramifications of the unprecedented indictment of an incumbent Prime Minister in Israel.

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When We Let Our Schooling Interfere with Our Education

How has education in Israel been influenced by the encroachment of capitalism, on the one hand, and the growing awareness of multiculturalism in society, on the other? What is educational justice, and how should policymakers address it?

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Kill Thy Neighbor

When do people to commit mass violence against an ethnic, religious or racial group in their midst? Does the demand for minority rights inevitably spark existential fears and violent reactions from the majority group?

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Us and Them: Is There Any Way Out?

Nurit Novis-Deutsch, a psychologist of religion, values, morality and identity, believes that people who perceive themselves as having a complex identity might be more tolerant of the “other.” Her research advances much-needed anecdotes to angry tribalism in today’s world.

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When Zionism and Human Rights Got Along

Before human rights was a universally accepted concept, and before there was Israel, there were prominent Jews who supported both. James Loeffler tells the story of human rights pioneers and how their commitment grew out of the Jewish diaspora experience.

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All the King’s Men: Tribal Leadership in Modern Jordan

Prof. Yoav Alon, a historian of the Middle East, discusses his award-winning book “The Shaykh of Shaykhs: Mithqal al Fayiz and Tribal Leadership in Modern Jordan.”

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Matthew Goodwin: Get to Know the New Nationalists

Is the current wave of national-populism new, or is it rooted in older historic trends? Can its supporters be de-demonized, humanized or at the very least understood?

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