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“Vatacountry” excerpts from January 2012:

  • Don takes us into total darkness with the ‘Dialogue in the Dark’ installation at the Children’s Museum in Holon.
  • The death of the iconic voice of early Israel, Yaffa Yarkoni, awakens some of Eilon’s earliest memories.
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An excerpt from December 2011:

  • Noah gets deep and meaningful over Vaclav Havel after his death, reading from the script of his acceptance speech for an honorary doctorate from Hebrew University.

An excerpt from the first ever Promised Podcast!

  • Don tells us about a special visit he made to the Israel Museum with an Ethiopian family, in celebration of their completed conversion process.



Yaffa Yarkoni – Bab El Wad


This is a segment. Listen to the full episode of The Promised Podcast. 


Photo: The Great Isaiah Scroll MS A (1QIsa).

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