Allison, Don, and Noah discuss where exactly the Israeli Left is failing.
If it is, indeed, dead, was it killed by an ill-advised infatuation with ‘abroad,’ which distracted it from winning hearts and minds at home?
This is a segment from The Promised Podcast: Listen to the full show.
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Photo: Israeli activists at a demonstration in Tel Aviv against Operation Protective Edge, July 1014.
In short, the left in Israel, the United States, in Europe, and the international left fails to accept the reality that most citizens and governments that surround Israel prefer a one state solution for the “Israeli Problem.” That solution is a State of Palestine – a people not in an existence or simply just a fiction spoken as if to reality by the Empire of Rome. The left and Israeli society as a whole are jolted by the logistics of war of its enemies, who are quick to volunteer for Israel’s dismantling through actions that are illegal, barbarous violence, and have international sponsors of this dismantling that reside in all the flavors of the global left wing. The Israeli left cannot over come the reality of annihilation no matter how hard it beats the bushes for support in its local elections, counters right-wing information by simply calling it propaganda, or find trustworthy the appeals to Israel by its once trust worthy and powerful international friends to agreements that will result in self-immolation. The Israeli left are a “stool pigeon” of the global left.