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Social protest leader Daphni Leef and singer-songwriter Yael Deckelbaum are planning to load up a van with all manner of shit and travel cross country for a month, listening to people describe their vision for the country. There’s a jumpstarter crowdfunding campaign
Allison, Don, and Noah ask whether Daphni and Yael’s fantabulous journey is a political act of meaning, or a reality-TV-age simulacrum of the sort of real political action that we need.
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Social protest leader Daphni Leef and singer-songwriter Yael Deckelbaum are planning to load up a van with all manner of shit and travel cross country for a month, listening to people describe their vision for the country. There’s a jumpstarter crowdfunding campaign
to fund the trip.
Allison, Don, and Noah ask whether Daphni and Yael’s fantabulous journey is a political act of meaning, or a reality-TV-age simulacrum of the sort of real political action that we need.
This is a segment from The “Israel and the ‘A Word’” Edition.