Photo: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90

Race, ethnicity, peoplehood, nationality, religion: How do these things fit together in today’s Israel?

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This is a segment from The “Anything But Apathy” Edition.

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2 comments on “Skin in the Game?

  1. Suzanne Grunfeld says:

    I enjoy very much listening to your podcasts! For me as a ‘yoredet’, it gives me an idea what is happening in israeli society.
    This last one particulary, because this subject ‘are jews white’ is an item for an exhibition to come in Amsterdam. In addition of this exhibition I am looking for childrenbooks in which diversity among jews is the theme. Do you know if there are for example childrenbooks with ethiopian jews as main characters, or mizrahi jews? Could you please give me advise where to look for childrenbooks on this subject? I’d be very thankful! Good luck with your very good and informative podcasts.

    1. Don Futterman says:

      Hi Suzanne, There are a number of books in Hebrew on the subject and a smaller number in English. Are you looking for books in Hebrew or English?

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