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On Sunday night Jews in Israel and all over the world lit the first candle of eight on their hanukkiot. In honor of the holiday, host Marcela Sulak reads poems about miracles, light, and candles, for instance Ronny Someck’s “Poem to a Girl Already Born”:

“On the day you were born the workers of joy
warmed their hands against the fire, lit
with the match of your life.
Night after night I am possessed with the sound of your breath
as if it were the glimmer of a lighthouse for a sailor who was almost devoured
by the ocean’s teeth.”

Our 2014 Hanukkah podcast focused on the story of the Maccabi revolt and modern day Hanukkah traditions. This year Marcela conveys the spiritual side of the festival of light.

T. Carmi: “Miracles” (Poetry International Rotterdam)

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T. Carmi: “Awakening” (Poems Found in Translation)
T. Carmi: The Modern Hebrew Poem Itself: A new and updated edition. Ed. Stanley Burnshaw, T. Carmi, Susan Glassman, Ariel Hirschfeld and Ezra Spicehandler. Wayne State University Press, 2003.
Ronny Someck & Dan Armon: Poets on the Edge: An Anthology of Contemporary Hebrew Poetry. Translated by Tzipi Keller. SUNY Press, 2004.

Itzhar Cohen – Al HaNisim
Yosef Karduner – Maoz Tzur
Ruhama Raz – Nerotai HaZeirim

Producer: Laragh Widdess
Technical producer: Alex Benish

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