Tel Aviv Review

Do mention the wall: Why borders still matter

Prof. David Newman – Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Science at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, professor of political science specializing in political geography and, more precisely, in borders – explains why borders are becoming more and more relevant today, even though the world is the proverbial global village.

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Viewing the conflict through the Olive Tree Programme

The Olive Tree Programme at City University, London brings Israeli and Palestinian students together to study the conflict.

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The Israeli who turned an entire nation on its head

Dr Moshe Cohen-Gil talks about his new book “The Israelis who Wished to Cure the World,” which tells the story of the pioneers of alternative medicine in Israel.

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Let them eat carrots: The role of incentives in peace processes

Why do sanctions always gain the upper hand? Dr. Nimrod Goren, of Mitvim and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, explains.

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Herzl: The trials and tribulations of a visionary

Prof. Shlomo Avineri, one of Israel’s most eminent political scientists, a veteran lecturer at the Hebrew University, and former Director-General of the Foreign Ministry, and author of the book titled Herzl: Theodore Herzl and the foundations of the Jewish State, that was recently published in English.

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Counterculture in escape from Israeliness

Avi Pitchon’s “Rotten Johnny and the Queen of Shivers: Counterculture in Escape from Israeliness” chronicles his personal involvement in a very specific turning point in the history of Israeli culture, both homegrown and adopted from overseas – the emergence of punk culture in the 1980s.

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